Free to Bleed

Brand Design
Social Impact Design

Free to Bleed is a conceptual event that aspires to inform the community about period poverty and to help prevent it.

Period poverty is a neglected public health issue that effects half the population. Due to the pink tax and being labeled a luxury item, period products are expensive even though they are not a want but a necessity. Those who cannot afford period products go to unsanitary routes to prevent bleeding through clothes such as toilet paper, paper towels, wash clothes, etc.

Free to Bleed is an event that takes place in cities to spread awareness about period poverty and provide supplies to those that need it. It also allows those who can afford period products to donate to the cause. Free to Bleed would be partnered up with U by Kotex, who is a known advocacy for period poverty, to help bring period products to those who need it. Buy a box a tampons and a box of tampons will go to a
women’s shelter.




Senior Show Book Artifact