BG Falcon Media

Brand Design
Layout Design
Marketing Design
Cover Design

BG Falcon Media creating, producing and publishing independent student content.

As an intern for BG Falcon Media from Fall of 2023 to Spring 2024, I created content for the newspaper, the outlets of BG Falcon Media, events, and promotional designs. Most of what I did consisted of the newspaper cover, newspaper layouts, housing guide cover, Falcon Radio monthly playlist, following branded guidelines, and making client-based advertisements for the newspaper or housing guide. Using the platform Wrike, I was able to communicate directly with the Creative Director and other designers.

Housing Guide Cover

I was tasked with refreshing the Housing Guide cover that was used for the last 10 years. I wanted to create a bold typographic composition paired with a bold color that would make the viewers look twice.

BG News Covers

Summer Rewind
This cover was the first cover that I had designed. It was the welcome back issue for Fall Semester. I had gone out and taken pictures of my feet in front of the BGSU letters and photoshopped the crocs in place of my feet. The giblets (the charms on crocs) were made based on certain events in the story, Toledo Walleye was for BG hockey players getting signed to play for the Walleye’s, etc.

Plowing into the New Semester
This was the first issue of the Spring Semester and the team had decided to do a call back to the first issue of Fall Semester. This time, the crocs are winter crocs with the fur on the inside of them. I had designed the giblets the same way as Summer Rewind and they were designed based on what had happened during winter break.

Empty Stomach or Empty Wallet?
The cover story for this issue was about food insecurity and the high prices on campus. I decided to go with an Andy Warhol inspired design since a lot of his work addressed mass production and consumerism. I wanted to use the bold colors to draw the viewers attention so they will pick the paper up.

BG News Layout Designs

These four are just a few examples of the layouts that I have done for the BG News that I believe were successful.

Media Passes

I was tasked to create and refresh the media passes with BG Falcon Media’s brand guidelines. These passes are to be used at events where the media needs to be identified, like at a sports game or press conference. Just this year, these passes were used on the writers for the newspaper at the last court hearing for the Stone Foltz case.

Promotional Designs

These are Instagram posts that I designed for the different outlets of
BG Falcon Media. Although this only shows Instagram, there were designs that were made for various platforms including, but not limited to TV screens around campus, Facebook, Twitter, print advertisements, poster, and t-shirts.


This design was made for Falcon Radio’s monthly playlist promotion. This was for the month of April where Falcon Radio made a playlist that comprised of gay anthems and was in partnership with Queer-Trans Student Union (QTSU).

Total Solar Eclipse

This design was made to promote the Total Solar Eclipse t-shirt that I had created in preparation for the eclipse that happened on April 8, 2024. This
t-shirt had generated sales.


Senior Show Book Artifact


Bath & Body Works Rebrand